Friday, October 4, 2019

visaun ni misaun sosiologia

Sociology Study Program 

Become a Study Program that halo competitiveness/competence in the study and development of industriál sociology. 

 Education and Organizing teaching in the field of sociology that agora oriented to industriál society. In the field of Conducting researh industriál sociology through a variety of approaches that are analytical, systematic and critical. Organizing community service oriented to the liberation of humanidade and the ema of industriál society. Building a network of cooperation in the context of scientific development and the development of a humane industriál society. Purpose Produce graduates of sociology who have the industriál qualifications to recognize, distinguish and criticize sosiál science theories and methods. Produce graduates of sociology who have the ability industriál to recognize, understand and criticize sosiál ko, sosiál, problems and community development models. Produce graduates of sociology who are able to industriál sira husi sosiál planning and solve problems systematically. Produce graduates of sociology who are able to industriál conduct researh independently and creatively in developing culture.

Programa Estudu sociology Programa Estudu sociology

 Vizaun Sai Estuda Programa ida ne ' ebé iha kompetitividade / kompeténsia kona-ba estudu no dezenvolvimentu sociology industriál.


Organiza edukasaun no ensinu iha área sociology ne ' ebé mak orientada ne sosiedade industriál. Hala'o peskiza iha área sociology industriál oin-oin kona-ba abordajen ne ' ebé mak analytical, sistemátiku no importante liu. 

Organiza servisu komunitáriu nian ne ' ebé orienta ba libertasaun umanidade nian no nesesidade sira sosiedade industriál nian. Harii rede kooperasaun iha kontestu dezenvolvimentu sientífiku no dezenvolvimentu sosiedade industriál ida ne ' ebé umanu. 


Prodúz graduadu sociology industriál ne ' ebé mak iha kualifikasaun atu bele rekoñese, distinge no kritika theories siénsia sosiál no métodu sira. Prodúz graduadu sociology industriál ne ' ebé iha kapasidade atu rekoñese, komprende no makaʼas kona-ba mudansa sosial, problema sosial no modelu dezenvolvimentu komunidade nian. Prodúz graduadu sociology industriál ne ' ebé mak bele halo planeamentu sosiál no rezolve problema sistematikamente. Prodúz graduadu sociology industriál ne ' ebé sira bele halo peskiza independente no kreativu hodi dezenvolve sira-nia kultura.

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